Picshare - Oan
Services SCAM charged $14.95 on phone bill for e-mail monthly service never signed up for!

Shops, Products, Services

An unknown charge turned up on my AT&T phone bill. It was through Operator Assistance Network (OAN) and the company is PICSHARE, LLC. The charge was for an e-mail monthly service fee.

The previous week I had participated in an innocent enough on-line survey. Apparently, the company scams people into signing up for services without them being aware as they are filling out the survey. Oh, there probably was some 10 page document that only a lawyer would understand as an attachment, but I do not recall seeing anything like it.

I called the company and hung up after being on hold for 25 minutes. I looked on-line and found out this was a huge SCAM. I called my phone company and they confirmed the scam.

The phone company was very helpful and reversed the charges and put a block on my phone number to deter future billings. They also said many people do not pay close attention to their phone bills and months go by before they notice fraudulant charges. The phone company can only go back so many months, so it's important to check each bill.

Company: Picshare - Oan
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8005395191
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