Service Master - American Home Sheild
Worst Business Practices Ever Experienced ripoff

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RE: Service Master

Had home inspection performed by AmeriSpec (a ServiceMaster company) 060605-Prior to purchase of home.

RE: Electrical-per inspection home has aluminum wiring and that if client has concern regarding this to contact licensed electrician.

Found out during insurance process that, since home has aluminum wiring-certified electrical inspection would be required. Already finished with mortgage process and could put as part of bid approval. Could not have inspection until we take ownership of was issued with understanding that failure to provide a letter from a certified electrician of system safety, insurance could be revoked.

Purchased home 06-29-05

Home warranty through American Home Shield-AHS (a Servicemaster company) was already in place from previous homeowner with an expiration of 07-14-05. Renewed for one year. Asked if they provide electrical inspections-not covered but would give names of electricians. Since not covered, we went with an out of network provider for inspection due to cost and overall competence during phone calls (Loveland electric.

071406 had Loveland do inspection-determined that box should be replaced (at a cost of 2770.20) the original box is a Pacific Electric Stab-lok split bus panel. Which was no longer recognized by the NEC due to multiple failures. Multiple class action suits have been filed against the company (however deadlines to get involved had passed).in combination with aluminum wiring-the system could not be certified as safe. Also. Multiple aluminum to copper wiring combinations and poor grounding (that should have been noticed during home inspection. Due to financial concerns-were unable to do repairs at that time.

Spoke with our inspector at Amerispec-was told they do not inspect to code (which I said this was more than a code issue). They came out to review our electrical system and determined-in the interest of customer service they would waive our inspection fees.

Spoke with AHS regarding outlets and fixtures flickering. 07/29/05 They contracted Thomson Electrical Inc for service. The electrician came out, replaced outlet and one light fixture in a ceiling fan. Mentioned concern regarding age of breaker panel, aluminum wiring etc asked if it could be the cause of these issues. Was told probably not but could not say what was the cause. Have since discovered that this could be related to this circuit panel.

Spoke with AHS regarding electrical repairs needed, would any be covered, and went over information discovered during research of this circuit panel. They informed me that they would not provide any coverage on the panel till it failed. Explained at that point it would be a fire hazard to which I was reminded that, there is a reason to carry homeowners insurance. Said that we had outlet that failed and lights that flickered. AHS said that those issued would be covered (with the 60 fee). I asked what if those issues were in direct relation to the panel.

I was told that the contractors were to research the service issue and determine root cause. Then perform repair/replacement as necessary. I mentioned that this had not occurred when their provider came out in July even though I had questioned the issue. They could not answer to that situation however if we would like to set up a service call (at 60) they would send someone again.

I mentioned my lack of faith in the competency of their providers (given the situation before) and that I already had a provider that I could trust. If they would like, I could send a copy of their report. I was told that they could not take the report/word of a non-provider and that until something failed they could not provide a service to us.

At our expense-replaced electrical service panel 12/01/05 at $2770.20. Loveland electric provided letter to insurance carrier of replacement and safety of panel.

RE: Heating and Air-Home owners inspection report dated 060605 older units with limited life expectancy. Heating ok-Air noted failure to reach temperature as required. Recommend service. We did request at our bidding contract was performed and subsequently passed home inspection.

Called in service due to concerns regarding noise of heating system as well as lack of consistent heat. System makes VERY LOUD-Like pounding on a anvil-sound when running.

11/05/06 Sierra Mechanical came out. It was a very warm day that day and ran the system for 20 minutes letting is cycle several times. Their report states that they found no mechanical problems with furnace. During the visit the system did not make the noises I had been concerned about and the technician said it was probably contracting and expanding of duct system in the unheated garage. I also mentioned that I thought I occasionally smelled gas but didn't know if that was something related to being so close to a national gas line (IE: is it coming up via the drain system). He stated that he didn't smell gas now, and that all he smelled was a faint musty odor. Paid 60 service fee check number 2940.

02-12-06 Sunday Smelled gas-called gas co. Bad gas valve They turned off gas and said furnace company would have to come to repair due to age of system. Called AHS 12:15 told them of Gas leak with info from gas company. They said they would try to get someone out. At 3:00 still no responses from their providers (per Erin). At 4:50 Per Danielle go ahead with outside company. Contacted Pallardy 6369462779 Paid 140. For service call. They determined whole system would need to be replaced due to failure of visual dye check. They would contact AHS first thing in AM and set up replacement.

02-13-06 Monday per Debbie at AHS (@ 713 am) would continue with Pallardy for instillation but they would order furnace thru their provider-would be Wed or Thur before received. Said it could be no sooner as it had to be ordered. I explained it is 17 degrees, in February in Missouri with a family of 6 and we could not wait that long. Was there no one in the St. Louis area that would have a heating system available sooner. She said could not do any sooner.

Called Pallardy (Denise) and asked the same thing-was there no one in the St Louis area that would have a system in stock. She said they have one in stock but because it is the next grade up, Paulette @ AHS would not auth. Denise at Pallardy called AHS back (as well as my multiple calls to complain about this speaking with Jonathan, Kendra, Patricia, Debbie-a few times - and Tim.)

Patricia at AHS finally authorized the instillation of what Pallardy had (at a total 1700) we pay out of pocket minus non covered fees of 40 permit, 100 disposal, 300 duct work modifications, 100 gas line upgrade, and 60 service fee. Said not sure how they arrived at these numbers or why duct work was not covered since it is in our contract section 13. After much discussion it was determine that our out of pocket would be 440 in non covered fees. Patricia said to submit invoices along with letter and that we would be reimbursed in 7-15 days after invoice received. Total out of pocket between 12-12 & 12-13 $1840-expect $1400 in reimbursement.

2-13-06 am-Competitive Plumbing shows up-says AHS called them in regarding a leak. Received no confirmation call from this company, they just arrived. Told gentleman that there was no plumbing issue-it was a heat issue and was handled. Sent him away.
2-13-06 Pallardy during course of repairs discovered that coil for a/c had completely rusted thru (was just a shell of dust) and had contributed to the demise of the heating system. This would also ruin the new system if not replaced/repaired and offered to repair (that day) for 725. Called AHS-Per Debbie, would not authorize since no longer an emergency and that their contractor would have to come and research this issue. I asked if there would be an additional service fee-was told no. Contacted Sierra mechanical for service call on February 14.

02-13-06-mailed letter and invoices to AHS as per Patricia's instructions.

02/14/06 Sierra Mechanical came and confirmed what Pallardy had found. Said that they would let AHS know their findings and AHS would call us back.invoice from Sierra confirms no service fee per Cindy. Spoke with Cornez at AHS was told that they received the information from Sierra and that once the non covered charges and service fee was added up our out of pocket would be 310.

I explained entire situation and that I was told there would be no service fee and asked what exactly is AHS covering if we are expected to pay 310. He said he could not elaborate on the invoice charges. I told him either they were getting a raw deal or I was since the offer to repair for $725 was made by Pallardy. The 310 is about half of that. He spoke with supervisor and said they would knock that down to $155.

I again reiterated that they already have over 1800 of my money tied up, cannot afford to pay that and this should have all been taken care of during the original repair. He requested that he have permission to call me back-he wanted to talk with Pallardy to find out their proposal. He called back and said that after that call, they expected my out of pocket to be 75. Stated again, cannot schedule the work as we just could not afford it with 1800 of our money just going out the door. He spoke with the supervisor, came back to the line and confirmed that the repair would be completed at no out of pocket charges to us.

02/27/06 received bill for 60 service fee to competitive plumbing. Spoke with Monita and explained that we never requested the plumber-he showed up unannounced-that he was called in error by AHS as well as explaining entire situation. She said she thinks it will all be sorted out when accounting/legal gets our invoices. I asked if she could see if they have those since they were sent on the 13th. She said she did not see them in the system as of yet and to call back in a few days to see if received.

03/01/06 Sierra came to perform repairs on coil. Also checked outside unit-said as old as inside but since it was not causing a problem now in February-no repairs would be needed/made to that part of the unit however they recommend service in the spring.

03//03/06 spoke with Dana - at AHS had to explained entire situation AGAIN. She said legal department has our invoices, the show it being received 02-22-06 and that it takes 14-21 business days to process. Asked about the 60 to Competitive. She said she felt it would be figured out during processing.

03/13/06 received a statement saying that they received our invoices 02/20/06 but could not process due to outstanding service fee of 60. Spoke with Rita and then Shatina (supervisor) had to explained entire situation AGAIN they said should have been removed when this was sent to outside authorization. She was going to charge off as a concession due to an accounting error and would send a note to supervisor to finish processing our request.

03/14/06 spoke with Jared to verify that charge off occurred and that check would be issued. Had to explained entire situation AGAIN. Said it takes 24 hours to post.

03/16/06 Spoke with Deidre had to explained entire situation AGAIN -Said shows an authorization for 1400 and that would take 7 10 days from 03/15/06.

03/23/06-received check issued 03/17/06 in the amount of 1340- (check is only good for 90 days-good till June 15). Spoke with Desiree ONCE AGAIN HAD TO EXPLAIN ENTIRE SITUATION-said concession was posted 03-22-06. Said she would post for credit to us in the amount of 60. And that it would take 10-14 business days.

04/10/06 spoke with Holly ONCE AGAIN HAD TO EXPLAIN ENTIRE SITUATION—said was needed to research when would be issued. Was put on hold for 5 minutes and then hung up on. Called back and spoke with Desiree ONCE AGAIN HAD TO EXPLAIN ENTIRE SITUATION-Was told that reimbursement would take 14 to 21 business days.

She verified that check had not been cut and that there was nothing they could do about the process time. Asked to be transferred to a supervisor. Transferred to Tricia-went over all of it AGAIN. Also explained that I had not cashed the check issued 03/17/06 for fear that it would be a form of acceptance of the amount paid (IE: Payment in full). She had no response to that. She said she would contact accounting/legal and would call back to tell me when being issued.

04/10/06 sent email to in response to their investigation.

04/10/06 signed up with a web site to research/receive proposals from multiple home warranty companies since we have no intention of renewing this policy. Online site does require home address and phone number among other information. Received a call from AHS in response to online request. Asked if their system does not weed out current customers-He said wasn't sure if this was in response to a renewal proposal. Asked if there were any notes on the account when he brought it up. He said yes but assumed that meant they had done a lot of service for us. I said to review the notes and told him that we were VERY Dissatisfied and had no intentions of renewing with them.

04/13/06 turned air condition. Makes horrible sounds and takes a long time to cool house. Hesitant to call AHS due to ongoing service issue from February.

04/15/06 received a bill for 60 service fee to sierra mechanical.

04/17/06-spoke w / Damien asked to be transferred to Tricia-told him I would hold however long for her. Held a few min. Spoke with Tricia told her of bill received on 04-15-06 and that there was to be no charge for that. She questioned why to which I ONCE AGAIN HAD TO EXPLAIN ENTIRE SITUATION and told her of Cornez's confirmation of no charge-she said she would take care of it.

I reminded her that she was supposed to call back earlier in the week. She said she called 04/11/06 and left a message on our voice mail. Our caller ID shows no call and there is no voice mail from her. Confirmed our phone number with her-they have the correct number. Asked what her message was-was told that it would take up to 21 days for reimbursement. I said from what day. She said the 11th. I said of April-Yes. (that would take it to May 1 to May 10).

I asked how it got pushed out AGAIN. She said for some reason the paperwork was lost and that she had to resubmit for reimbursement. I asked how I could be assured that this was going to occur since I have been told so many different stories. She said I have her assurance and that she didn't want to lie to me to try to explain why it had not occurred before. She said she would call when the check is cut.

Reiterated to her my hesitancy to call for service on the air con because of the hassles and the frustration that I would need to call for service on the air conditioning since it was noted and related to original event. Also stated that AHS has an expectation of me to provide my monthly premium by a certain date and failure to do so would result in a call and/or termination of service. I am not allowed to give them a 14-21 business day processing lag. Why can I not have the same expectation of them especially since the original invoice was sent on 02/13/06 WELL OVER 14-21 Business days ago. She had no answer for me on that respect. She only stated that she would call me when check is cut. And so we wait.

Note the many many contradictions in dates, and information.

St Peters, Missouri

Company: Service Master - American Home Sheild
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Carroll
Address: P O Box 849
Phone: 8006693965
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