Send Unmatched People-stop Sending Matches After 3 Weeks, Pasadena, CA E-harmony sent just 20 matches, met one TOTALLY unmatched, didnt sent any for months. Ripoff

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I'm a Psychologist and I do know how the whole e-harmony works. I have the book and I analyzed their method of work. Looked good, so I subscribed.

I subscribet to e-harmony in January and they started to send me matches. The service was working well until I met 2 matches, and after a dinner we both started to laugh because we had NOTHNIG in common.

I sent eharmony an e-mail asking how is this possible... Had no answer.

After 3 weeks from my subscription e-harmony "run out" of matches and I didnt receive any match for a month.
Sent a complain e-mail and they asked me to be patient.

I EXTENDED THE SEARCH TO THE ENTIRE US... Hoping to have some matches, and for 2 months got NO MATCHES AT ALL. Nothing. That means that in the whole US there is no girls that matches me. Statistically impossible!

Sent another e-mail and they answered to be "patient".
I had enough. Do not subscribe to these scammers.
They send random wrong people, and they cut you off if you find out their trick (sending you a lot of fake matches in the beginning to make you feel good).

Plus their method of matching is based on a very old Personaliyt test called 16PF. Google that and you will see that they make tons of money using an old test (which I personally consider to be very inaccurate in measuring the personality triats).

To be Continued...

Company: Eharmony
Country: USA
State: California
City: Pasadena
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Ripoff only matches sent are nonmembers

EHarmony does not provide services you paid for Pasadena California
I did not recieve any service for the money I paid
Total scam. They take the money & give NOTHING in return

Com Eharmony gives false ads, false matches, false hopes, and only 100 percent guarantee on taking your money
EHarmony customer service - matching

Eharmony Dating Service
Do not believe it when they say Free Weekend!

E Harmony
I Had Such Hope

Free Communication Event - Lots of Matches that disappear after free event

EHarmony is a huge rip-off