America's Choice Readers
Ripoff entrapment pushy fast talking

Shops, Products, Services

About a year ago I foolishly agreed to this scam, and agreed to everything just to get off the phone so I could deal with my child (cause at the moment it sounded like a good deal) I figured I would try it out and look over the paperwork and if I didn't like it I would just "cancel". BIG mistake, When I called to cancel I was told that I had been on record agreeing that I only had 3 days to change my mind among other rediculous stipulations that I didn't understand because the person on the phone talked realy realy fast and my kid was bugging me to get off the phone. I now owe hundreds of dollers for magazines that I don't even read. I need help, I can't get rid of them and I can't afford them. I make barely over minimum wage and I have a family to take care of. The last thing I need is to throw all my money away with these stupid Magazines.

Company: America's Choice Readers
Country: USA
State: Montana
City: Greatfalls
Address: Po Box89
Phone: 8003003604
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Readers' Choice
America's Readers Choice Unable to CANCEL, Sucker for LIFE!

America's Choice Readers Service
Ripoff, lied, entrapment

America's Choice Readers
RipOff Scam

America's Choice Readers Service
Magazine subscriptions deal - did not understand order - unable to cancel by phone

America's Choice Readers Service
America's Choice Readers - ripoff Took 58.27 from my account for 3 months But I never received the magazines

Reader's Choice Service
Reader's Choice Service Inc. Sucked into this scam as a young adult. Have been trying to get out. What do I do?

America's Choice Reader Service

America's Choice Readers Service
Advertised it was free then the price went higher and higher refused to cancel sent us threatening letters lied ripoff no integrity!

VIP Readers Services
Phone scam for Magazines

Readers Cjoice Promotion