Ripoff Bailey Colorado

Shops, Products, Services

This company is a total Rip off. Do not join!
You will loose Money!

I quit this company about 2 months ago and still have not ever recieved any payments from then. I had been a member for over five months and never recieved any money due me.
Only empty promises!!!

I was never received any commission..
My Customers that place orders..
Did not get all of there orders.

I spent two hundred dollars on advertising only to have
everything changed and then unable to recover my losses in advertising. They Change the web address,
I lost all my wages on advertising.
With not even a "I'm sorry"

I never received any commission on any items sold.
This company is a total Ripoff.

I should have received a much higher commission!!!
I was lied too. And trick.
The promises kept comming with no results!

I only ended up with $14.00..
(which I have yet to Recieved.

The only thing I ever really recieved from this compang were lies... And more lies!

I sent this company $70.00 for set up kit only to end up with some mice... About a dollar each and a feeding stand worth about $15. Oo. It took five months to even get that!
All in All I lost Close to $300.00 in dealing with this
Ripoff of a company.

Of course that is not including my time put into promoting this new business. It does not include the stress and mental trauma
this company has inflicted with its false promises..
That I directly received from Karen Brady herself on several

This is a well dress store front with a sweet and honest sounding Owner and Horrible Broken promises and will only
leave in debt.

Unhappy in Utah.

Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Bailey, Colorado
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Consumer Report

True Money
Fraud, false advertising, false promises

My Power Mall
Free to join with promise of money from your purchases and customers. Received Nothing - Had 29 customers until the same thing happened to them and then they dropped out

Mph Avertising - Innovage
Ripoff is a big network of liers and empty promises

Noah's Ark Shopping NAS
Ripoff, dishonest, misleading, doesn't pay commissions

International Technologies Services
International Technology Services (AKA Anvanced Safety Solutions) Workers get no Pay, Customers did not receive products, False Promises, Illegal fees. False advertisement. Ripoff

Ripoff - rip-off their members advertising fraud scam false lies broken promises theft of money wrongful by termination the Programs -

Noahs Ark Shopping NAS
Do not do biz with nas! Just another one of Karen Brady's online biz schemes Bailey

Pioneer Advertising Agency=Michael Forbes
Ripoff dishonest took money no national tv promotion received no products ordered

Ripoff, dishonest, fraudulent, broken promises