Dish Network

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I sent back the equipment to Dish, & the next day was contacted by a "Mr Taylor" who said he was a mediator for the courts, & that Dish was going to sue us for breach of contract. He suggested we send him $250 & he would try to get the suit dismissed, but that we could always take Dish to small claims court.

He was calling from Harris County Texas, & said the case # was 1132963 & that if he didn't get the $250 by Fri. He would file & we would be liable for much more than $250.

I asked him for his name & address, & he said he worked for Goldberg & Rothstein, 4801 Woodway Dr. Ste. 270W, Housten TX. His phone # is 800-976-0477 Ext. 417.

Do mediators file lawsuits? No. He said my husband signed a contract. No. This is truly turning out to be a HUGE scam.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Littleton
Phone: 8003333474
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