Direct TV
Ripoff - PGA Golf not available in my area after changing to Direct and being informed HDTV available for golf

Shops, Products, Services

Purchased Large LCD TV from well known electronics store.

Informed by my cable company that NO HDTV available in my area! Contacted Direct TV who assured me PGA golf was available in my area. I added Sports package to my list of favorite programmes.

Changed from Cable to Direct. Today they inform me after only one month with them that no live golf available from CBS into my area.

Be aware, Stay with cable if you have golf because you ain't going to get it from Direct or good customer service for that matter!

I find I am now locked into a contract where the supplier does not provided the service as indicated at the initiation of contract. Direct TV have not provided the service as advertised!

Now going to listen to my wireless... Less trouble!

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Sanford
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Direct tv
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Direct TV