Securitas USA
They don't care about what their employees say about dangerous situations or their families

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I used to work for the aforementioned company earlier this year. I was assigned to a client site (I won't say which one) and did mostly overnight shifts; however, as the 'flex officer' my shifts varied.

Although the site was well maintained and didn't have any major security problems (at least when I was there) one incident that comes to mind (and is classic of Securitas' non-chalant attitude) is on one evening patrol, a non-English speaking cleaning person entered a building which, as I was told at the interview, was never to be entered when the red lights were flashing. This guy did exactly that. Fortunetly, he entered the office, which was a safe area, and by the time the lieutenant in charge and I entered the building, we found the man, rather bewildered mind you, in the office. I asked the lieutenant if she wanted me to write a report, documenting this incident. (In the security business, as well as most businesses, if it isn't documented, it didn't happen.) The lieutenant said no.

Although this was a new cleaning person who had not been to this site before, I always felt it would be appropriate to put the warning signs in Spanish as well as English for this same exact reason. I even went so far as to ask a friend of mine who is Hispanic for the words in Spanish to tell the cleaning persons not to enter the building under those circumstances. My idea fell on deaf ears.

Although nothing major had happened that night, what WOULD have happened had that man entered the building and gotten killed? How would I explain it to the corporate office? I'd still be writing reports to this day had something happened to that man.

The day that I called and quit was due to a family emergency back in Chicago. The people at the main office didn't care that I had to go back to Chicago in an emergency. They even wanted me to pay then $75.00 for my guard's license INSTEAD of taking it out of my final paycheck.

I find it really interesting that they would do this to someone, since Securijoke (as they are known by former employees) has the Chicago Transit Authority contract.

Company: Securitas USA
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Rockford
Address: 3600 E. State St
Phone: 8473985710
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