Free Medicine Direct
RIPOFF Promises of timely assistance and free medications within 30 days falsely stated

Shops, Products, Services

In May I saw and advertisement for Free Meds Direct on t.V., promising assistance in aquiring medications. I called the number on the screen and was connected with a representative that went on to sell the benefits of the plan. For a fee of $199.99 the company would handle all the paperwork involved and I could have my medications in 30 days. My information was taken and medications were confirmed to be on the 3 weeks time I received a packet in the mail again asking for my medications, these were sent back in on 5-31-05. To make a long story short, after many calls and forms for the wrong medication (diseases I don't even have), I finally received two of the six medications I need in SEPTEMBER, but the main one is still in limbo somewhere. After yet another call today (12-8-05) I have been told that they do not have a record of my making a request for the six original medications listed on my form but they would be happy to make a request for me today. Needless to say, I am very disappointed in the service I have received from these people.

Company: Free Medicine Direct
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Naples
Address: 165 Plesant Ave. - S
Phone: 8008944032
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Free Medicine Direct
Promised timely assistance to getting free medications RIPOFF Florida Sells conterfiet medications

CVS West main St

Prescription refill

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CVS pharmacy
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Select Care Benefits Network
SCBN Shire SCBN Prescription Advocacy I called at the advice of my CMW worker in Gainesville, FL to help me with my ADHD son because Medicaid had dropped my son and he needed medications called Vyvanse which is $168.00 month and intuniv w

Walgreens Pharmacy

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