Bluegreen Corporation

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My company recently cut my hours and I was unable to continue paying my monthly bills to Bluegreen for my timeshare unit. I was very interested in trying to save my account so in good faith, I sent payments or if I could not send the monthly amount, I would send most of the amount. The person Christian Capellan who was assigned to my account, was not understanding nor approachable. The one problem with Bluegreen is that every few months they keep changing the customer service reps that you are assigned to. This causes all types of confusion! I adamantly insisted on dealing with Felicia and Sandra ONLY. I found them to be professional and courteous. I appreciated that they tried to do what they could within their authority to help me. Most recently I was working with Felicia Mainor. I told Felicia that my hours were reduced and when we thought we would be reinstated many of us were laid off.

I am living off an unemployment check which does not allow much money to live off of and pay bills, still despite this, I tried to still show good faith. I have sent three full payments in the matter of a month a half. I received two letters from Jaime Stewart who is the Credit and Collection Manager his letter he stated that he valued me as a customer and wanted to speak to me. He mentioned that his reps had tried to contact me which WAS NOT true. I always called them! He also mentioned that he wanted to try to work out something and "discuss any repayment proposal that I may have to keep my account from being terminated". At his request I phoned Jaime six times. I never received a call back. I was told by one other rep that "Jaime never returns calls, he always sends them back to the collection reps". My question is why did he initiate this letter if he had NO INTENTIONS of working something out with me? I am two years away from paying this timeshare unit off. I have been paying on it for five years. Imagine the investment I have made, so although it may not be important to Bluegreen's management, it IS IMPORTANT TO ME!

Another letter came in and I then emailed Jaime Stewart twice, he never emailed me back. I left messages with reps for Jaime and still nothing. I had to ask one of the reps if he even was a real person because of the lack of responses back. Today, Nov. 29 I finally got Jaime on the phone. He was not friendly and was very cold. When I asked him why he never called me back he said "you were behind so I don't care why". Is this how companies do business. He even said to me "I don't care what you think about my work ethic". He had no remorse about how he allowed me and my account to fall through the cracks. I can see if I ignored him or his correspondences. I can see if I did not call or make full or good faith payments for him to take action but that was not the case. His excuse was "I am too busy and I do not have time to talk to customers". If that is the case why reach out to them pretending that you have common concern for them, and offer help?

Jaime is rude, he talks over you and he thought I was just not paying my payments just because until I forced the fact that I was unemployed as being the reason why all this was happening. I tried to afford making two payments the last time I sent a payment but I could only afford to make one. Two weeks before that I sent double payments and showed them that I was trying to do what I could. They kept slapping late fees and other surcharges onto my account and I know in the past they have extended courtesies to waive these fees when you are trying to keep your account current. Those rules have changed and that is fine.

I am not here to question company policy but I feel I have the right to question the unethical business practices of Jaime Stewart, who embarrassingly is a MANAGER and his actions to not do anything or keep a written promise that he sent to me. Lastly, he mentioned that "I am sure you have other things to worry about", as if to say that my loan with Bluegreen is not important. I am going to find out who Jaime's superiors are and I decided to send a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission, Shame on You (CBS News) and BBB.

Company: Bluegreen Corporation
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: 4960 Conference Way Suite 100
Phone: 5619128000
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