American Drug Stores, Osco Drug Stores
Ripoff harassed, discriminated in wages, age, race, religion, and disability

Shops, Products, Services

I was employed with the company for 19 years. (1984). My problems started in 1994. The following events took place:

1. I injured my back while un-loading a truck. I filed a worksmen comp claim. My claim was denied.

2. Caucasians were hired in at at a higher rate of pay compared to minorities. I mentioned it to my supervisor. (Store Manager). I immediately began living a life of Hell. (Accused of Poor quality work.)

3. The store was guilty of many violations of company policies, I addressed them, including the improper removal of asbestos during the store remodeling. (I reported to OSHA).

4. I was assigned clerk duties, (I was a Supervisor) given rotten hours, denied days off & vacations, demeanored-no sick days.

5. I filed an internal complaint, which later I sued. 2003 I was fired.

6. Case is pending in court. I need an attorney, & Public awareness & support. (I have documents of proof).

Company: American Drug Stores, Osco Drug Stores
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Homewood
Address: 17705 South Halsted Street
Phone: 7089571750
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American Drug Stores, Inc. albertsons, D/b/a Osco Drug Stores, Inc
Ripoff victim of retaliation, harassed, discriminated in wages, age, race, religion, & disability. Violations of company policies

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