Empire Today
Fraudulent promotion info. Salesman lied and gave false sales claims just to get our business. We were purposely mislead!

Shops, Products, Services

On 8/6/04 we had Empire Today come and install flooring. I was told that there was no-interest, no-payments for up to year after installation. I then suggested that if the work was good, I wanted additional rooms to be done later that year. I was then told by the salesman, name to be withheld for now, that I needed to make no payments at all but that right before this promotional year was over, to bring Empire back and do the additional floors. Then that would add another year of no interest, no payments onto the bill. So in essence, I was told that I could have all my floors done and no payments due until 2006.

I did bring Empire back this July, a month before my previous promotion was over and requested the same salesman. He arrived and we went over the same plans that he had layed out 11 months earlier. Once again I was told that by useing Empire, I was getting an addional year to pay off the full balance. So I agreed and had the work done. The work was excellent, but a month later I recieved the bill that I owed an additional $735 for accrued finance charges and $29 for overlimit fees, which the finaces charges gave me when they came into effect. Not to mention I am told that I now owe monthly minimun payments because the first job's promotion ran out and is not able to be extended like I was told.

After calling the salesman on this, he told me that what he had explained to me is what he was told and it is also what he was telling other clients. My wife has spent numerous hours on the phone with Empire and they are all passing us around. No one will take responsability for this and help. We have been told that Empire doesn't do that with the promotions and that it was false information. Well, that's great, but it was information given to me by there salesman and used to get my business.

I have since told 3 prespective clients of Empire to go elsewhere and they all have and thanked me for it later. I will continue to advice others to shop elsewhere.

Company: Empire Today
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: S. Hackensack
Address: 460 Route 46 West S
Phone: 8005882300
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