Nationwide Voice Messaging
Ripoff Unsolicited charges on phone bill

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I received my Bell South bill and discovered a charge of $17.55 on it for something called Nationwide Voice Messaging. Their number was also listed on the bill. When I called them they told me that my son had filled out a form on the internet. My son is a minor and not the one who pays my phone bill, I demanded they take the charge off. They agreed to do so but said it may take several months and in the meantime I would receive other charges from them. I said bull* and called my phone company. I told them I disputed the charges and would not be paying them. They had no problem taking the charges off and furthermore they blocked third party billing on my account. I suggest that all of you do this, it's free and non one can charge anything to your phone. When my son got home I really tore into him for doing this and he vehemently denied doing it. I then looked this company up online only to find this forum and everyone's problems with this company. Needless to say, I apologized profusely to my son. I'm angry that a company can do this, who do we call, who do we report this too. There must be a law against it.

Company: Nationwide Voice Messaging
Country: USA
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