NSBA National Small Business Alliance
Spitting on FCC regulations against CAN SPAM ACT ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

Tying up phone communications for TimeInc is not a wise decision. Can anyone say lawsuit? I've called back the call back number provided from their tele-automated spam, and asked way too many times to have my number removed. Since they refuse to, I call them back from multiple locations pretending to be of different nationalities to keep them on the phone for as long as possible. Poor bottom-feeders. "Hello? This is Ali, Ali Kamaaaaaaal" "Yes, I have bitnis, own store, need one dollar, you have?"

The telemarketers on the other hand have a pretty simple script, destined to punch your offer for your 8k bussiness loan pre-approved in a blink of an eye. Watch it people! From the other reports on this site, the NSBA is a total scam, they need to be dealt with harshly.

I realize the marketers are contractors, and that nsba doesn't pay the price of wasting time, and blowing commisions. But it sure is fun getting them all excited for a commision, then saying something really stupid at the end of the call.

These guys, they need to be in jail. Will someone please sue them!?

Company: NSBA National Small Business Alliance
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
Address: 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Phone: 2026614746
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National Small Business Alliance (NSBA)
Be aware of NSBA!

National Small Business Alliance
NSBA Pre-recorded telephone solicitations to residential lines

National Small Business Alliance
Ripoff FRAUD!

First National Communications Network National Small Business Alliance/NSBA
Uses a legal loophole in telemarketer laws to offer prepaid credit

National Small Business Alliance -NSBA
National Small Business Alliance - NSBA ripoff

National Small Business Alliance - nsba. - Romy Schlaffer
National Small Business Alliance, nsba. Romy Schlaflernational Small Business Alliance, nsba. Romy Schlaffer I got scammed and I don't even have my own business! Sos!

NSBA National Small Business Alliance

National Small Business Alliance - NSBA
Ripoff, refused to refund my money or call me back

National Small Business Alliance, Nsba, Diane D'orlando, Dennis Mario
Another victum of fraud by national small business alliance! This time they ripped off someone who is not going to let it pass! Washington d.C. Washington, d.C

National Small Business Alliance - NSBA - President Dennis Mario
NSBA Refuses to REFUND Customers