Navajo Express Inc
Navajo express ripoff ANOTHER FALSE DAC REPORT!

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I was employed by navajo express out of commerce city colorado. I told my dispather (whom i think his name is bob) that i was burned out needed to take time off in utah where i was moving too, i had been running for a long time w / no time off so i delivered in salt lake city and was told to d/h homei came home mty and i drp trl @ a fuel stop in roosevelt utah i plugged up thier trk so i would not freeze it up and i had some car work to do i needed extra money so i asked for 85$ to fix the family car due to my step son was 3 mths premature so we needed to fix vehicle asap..

I fired the trk up next day to find a qualcomm msg that a driver had a heartattack in salt lake and he needed me to get there and del load and come back home this was all on the qualcomm in january i would of been pleased to help him out..

3 days later i get a phone call that someone was coming for the trk in which i felt it was no sweat i'd catch a bus back to denver and goto work in a different trk..

Well i called today between 12-2 pm mst on march 6 to talk to don digby the owner of navajo and he told me he could not leave a trk for 2 weeks even if the dispatcher told me too i explained it to him very politely and it was paid no attention to it i even emailed them 2 weeks ago with no response..

I think this is unfair and b.S. Am trying to get it off dac report can you help? It is making it hard for me to work for other people i am glad to say my son is better but still needs medical attention... Thanks

roosevelt, utah

Company: Navajo Express Inc
Country: USA
Address: 5300 E. 56TH AVE
Phone: 8005251969
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