Navajo Express
Rip off


Will let's see, Last year i was driving for Navajo. I was in OH going to Ny to drop a load. The load shifted. And there was nouthing i could do. Well after all is said and done i lost my job and it wasn't even my falt. So this is whats up it has been a year right. So You would think that i could find anther job worng. It is so bad that i wan't sue these #^%#^#$. If you keep reading you will know. Frist they said that i had an rider with me that was not aloud. But, he was i had a rider slip. Cuse Jamie Scott gave it to us there in the office in Phx. We sined it and went on. So later when it was up when i was in Ga I call Larry Barker in Denver to get a New one He Said "you don't need one faxed to you we'll just renew" it right, worng. So any way they will lie to you and steal from you. They like to take trucks that have been in a roll over that a driver was killed in and fix it, and put it back on the road and not tell any one. So when the roll over happend the OH state DOT said that i was noty speeding but NaVAJO SAYES that i was. Ok if I was speeding around this curve. Why then is the slide marks only 4 feet long. What made the truck roll was that the frame on the truck was twisted. I do i know becuse they had to put 5 spacers on the right front of the truck. These guys will lie and put things on your dac that ain't true. Navajo still owe's me a $400 CB and A $925 Laptop but good luck on me getting my things this is what they stole from me and some like my Closes my friend's ID so i would stay way from Navajo can't belive Navajo would Put a truck Back on the road after a driver was killed in this truck. Oh they will never call your loved ones when you have a roll ove

Company: Navajo Express
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tolleson
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Navajo Express
Fired when on medical leave and belongings riped off when truck was cleaned out

Navajo Express
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Ripoff Force me to exceed maximum hours of service with full knowledge of the fact I could not legally move

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Took $800. And never delivered product

Navajo Express Inc
ATTN: New Drivers, and lawers of injured motorist

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CR England Didn't Care!