Rent A Center

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I have read many of comments and rebuttals. Now the people that work for RAC seems to think that the policies and practices of this company is fair and have repeatedly condoned how RAC has treated their customers. I have also heard from the customers that have every excuse in the book why their account is not paid up to date. Now yes I do agree with some that say most people that rent from these types of companies do have bad credit but I do not agree with all that say how their credit got to be where it is and yes if you do come upon hardship and can not pay for the merch you are currently renting yes by all means do return it is less stress for you. (ALL PEOPLE THAT RENT FROM RAC DO NOT HAVE BAD CREDIT NOR SHOULD BE CATEGORIZED FOR NOT PAYING THEIR BILLS)

Let me tell you a true story of what I experienced with RAC. I started to renting in 1999 at that time my credit was not bad were I could not have credit else where but because I was boosting my credit score up and did not want anything to surface on my credit therefore I thought that this would be good for me. I continued to rent things from RAC and by the way I was fortunate to get all new items that I picked from their catalog whether it was on the show floor or not and it always ordered and arrived in original packaging now don't get me wrong there had been times that I had to wait for what I ordered to get it but nonetheless I got what I wanted. I too have seen transit employees and rude ones along the way but never to me.

Now wait here it comes Rudeness came about 2 1/2 years ago when my employer closed it's doors and I found my self out of a job I had 8 months prior signed a new contract and no I did not want to return the merchandise due to the amount of money that I had paid into the contract I pondered over this thinking ok I have been with this company 4 years with a good paying record and a lot of money paid out for what I wanted. I called and talked with the store manager and explained the issue and we both came up with a compromising solution he state to me that he could renew my contract to start anew or keep the current contract and if I paid late that he would understand as long as I agreed to the late charges that would have been fine too.

Now as time went on and started having the slow pay syndrome there became and issue the harassing calls started to come even when I came in to pay w/o the in store communication I got a call wanting to know about a payment that had already been paid now I am getting pissed off because they are being IDIOTS so I got to the point I told them to come pick up there merch scheduled several times no one never showed up.

For all you RENT A CENTERS CONDONERS I called the store and told them that I was moving and to come and pick up their stuff NO SHOW. Now after 2 1/2 years I have moved away it seems with RAC when you want and try to do what is right they still cannot get it right.

Now for you people that ended up with merch from RAC that they failed to retrieve and you have made attempts to return with documentation then that is on RAC... But for those that intentionally did not pay for your merch and do not see the wrong in that regardless of how RAC conducts business well you know you will have to pay one way or the other eventually.

RAC if you put as much energy into your employees customer service skills and keeping your word as you do in collections and retrievals more people would respect your company more and would not grip about the 300-400% markup they would come back. But to all of you no matter how many complaints or rebuttals that will be placed here there will always be RTO due to the high rise in credit debt and just unawareness of rights. But in this case RAC lost by their stupidity not I being untrustworthy.

Company: Rent A Center
Country: USA
State: Illinois
Address: 1234 MAIN ST
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Rent A Center

Aarons Sales And Lease
Ripoff is a nightmare BEWARE

Rent a Center
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Rent A Center
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RAC - Rent A Center
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Rent A Center
I don't know why I worked for them for so long!

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Rent A Cemter
Will Harass you one way or anothe

Rent A Center