Eye Trends USA, FALSE ADVERTISING List 7721/S Sunglasses as $83.66 but when you purchase your price is $103.66 Ripoff Wilmington Delaware

Shops, Products, Services

Typical bait and switch. The website shows one price of $83.66 for Polo Sport Sunglasses but when you add it to the shopping cart or proceed to color choices, you get a price of $103.66. When I called them they said it was because of the addition of polarized lenses but it doesn't mention that anywhere and is not a choice. They said it was not "technically" false advertising.

Company: Go-Optic.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8776342020
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Go optic
Eye trends usa Ripped Off! Ste. 718 Wilmington, DE 19

Misleading advertising

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False online advertising, bait switch, deceptive sales, false sale advertising

False Advertising, Pressured Sales Tactics, Poor Service

Jim Laabs Music Superstore
False Advertising

False Advertising

Sirius XM
False advertising, false promises, liars, cheats, bait and switch artists

Bait and Switch via 70% off coupon

DON'T go-optic.com! Ripoff

Red Star Worl Wear
Seems fake