Usbi, Zpdi, Opticom, One Call Comm
Ripoff fraudulent phone charges Internet

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I've received a big phone bill from my local phone carrier SBC for Apr.

One charge from USBI / One Call Comm for $51.13 (20 min to United Kingdom?)

Two charges from ZPDI / Opticom for $97.50 (10 min and 20 min to Manhattan, NY?)

We never made a call. Never heard of these companies.
Have called them to dispute the charges and informed SBC for the credits.

Have reported fraudulent charges and bad practices to FCC.
But never been able to find out how they got our names and/or phone number and who's behind the billing.
One coincidental event (perhaps?) that these charges appeared the day we installed our first internet (DSL) with SBC. We questioned SBC how in the world that these scams could obtain our local phone number through DSL so that they could bill (us) through SBC assuming our computer were hijacked / virused / spied or whatever. Our computers are equipped with XP-SP2, Zone Alarm pro, Norton SystemWorks AdAware pro, MS AntiSpyware. All softwares are miticulously maintained up-to-date.
Could SBC or someone at SBC have anything to do with these?
Be aware.

Company: Usbi, Zpdi, Opticom, One Call Comm
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8884808724
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Zpdi - Usbi - Opticom - One Call Comm
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USBI, Opticom

ABRY Dba Billing Concepts - USBI - ZPDI - ESBI & OCMC Dba One Call Comm - Opticom
ABRY Dba Billing Concepts - USBI - Zero Plus Dialing - ZPDI - ESBI - Avery Comms - ACI Billing - OAN - USA Voicemail - OCMC Dba One Call Comm - Opticom - Advantel - 1-800-MAX-SAVE - RegionTel - LiveTel billing for modem hijack and fraud RIPOFF