Ripoff they love to steal our money

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I bought an Alltel phone and 2 year contract while stationed at Ft Huachuca. Their coverage map said it would work virtually anywhere in the US and if I was deployed or if the phone did not work where I was statioined I could get out of the contract.

Well when I got to Ft Campbell the phone had very bad reception. When I called to complain all I got was a run around. The rep told me that the map I had seen was not a coverage map but a map telling me where I would not be charged roaming fees on my plan.

After 2 months of fighting with them they agreed to suspend my contract. After this I misplaced the phone. I called Alltel when I realized and the rep told me not to worry about it that the phone was off and not being billed.

Today I got a bill for $1123. The rep never noted the conversation about the phone being lost and it actually was not off. Someone had found it and used it and I am now being charged for their roaming and long distance fees.

After 2 hours on the phone with customer service and the fraud dept. They ended up telling me that the best they could do is give me the numbers that were called and I could go to the police or call myself to see who was using it.

If I find out who did they agreed to drop the bill from $1123 to $575 and I would have to pay it and then sue whoever used it for the remainder. After contacting the local police and calling the numbers they gave me, I have come to the realization that I may never find out who ran up the bill.

And as Alltel has said I can either pay them the $1123, they will even accept a payment plan with interest or get my credit ruined. I cannot have this happen because I have a security clearance in my job.

Also I am deplying to Iraq in 5 months. So even if I do find out who did it a conviction probably wont come before then. And if I wait on that Alltel says they will report me to the credit bureau and even sue me. I have suggested to them to just charge me my monthly rate in which I dont pay any long distance or roaming.

They said they can charge me my rate plus the $1123 but thats all. They are not willing to work with me or investigate the situation. It seems rather fishy that their reps never mentioned that the phone would still be able to work and I would get charged these outrageous rates.

I think it is sad the way they are treating a soldier who is about to go to Iraq and they know that I have no choice but to pay them if I want to keep my credit clear and stay out of trouble at my job. I figure they know they probably will not get compensated if they try and find who did this and go after them for the money.

So they see an opening to rip someone off and they are hoping for me to get stuck with this ridiculous bill. $1123 for a month worth of cell phone use most of which was on the weekends. I just want to let every one know what kind of company this is and ask for any advice on how I should handle it. I only have 5 months left until deployment and have much more important things that I could be doing with my time. Sorry about the rambling but I just had to get this off my chest.

Company: Alltel
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Sierra Vista
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Ripoff dishonest billing and reps

Alltel Cellular Company
Said we have coverage and no roaming and then charged hundreds of dollars worth of roaming fees


Alltel Ripoff liars scams untrustworthy overbills lies in contract uses your credit report against you to collect on fraudulent charges need I go on?

Alltel Wireless
Alltel Wireless A RipOff' watch your bill change right before your eyes!

Showed and Sold me a phone plan with a map of where I can use my phone without roaming charges

Charging extra on all my phones without telling me and will not do anything about it!

Verizon Wirelesss
Audacious $500 charge for broken phone


Alltel Customer Service
Alltel Cellular over billing and possibly killing your credit. Pretty much screwed