Premier Benefits, Buyers Union, Call One, Movie Pass

Shops, Products, Services

This company called like 20 million times, and I always told them, "No thanks", but as it always happen, they call me the wrong day (one of my weak days), and I listened to what they had to offer.

I kept asking the lady about the charges, and she kept saying it would be only $3.95 for shipping and handling, for 4 movie passess and a $200 gift card that I could use at various stores.

I kept asking her about the charges, and she said not to worry it will only be $3.95, and nothing else. She then transfered me to her supervisor, and she corroborated her story about only having to pay $3.95, and only when I have received the package (which by the way hasn't arrived yet).

She said, that next I needed to stay on the line to listen to some pre-recorded questions, but not to pay any attention to them, because it was the same thing that she had already explained to me, and to please not to hang up the phone because at the end I will be provided with a confirmation number.

So, when I checked my account yesterday this company, "Buyers Union, had taken $119.90, this other company "Call one" had taken $3.95, and "Premier Benefits" had taken another $3.95!!! Now, I only gave then one check number, how in the heck can they keep making checks for different companies???

When I called the company yesterday, they gave me the run around, they having to mail me a form for me to sign, and then mail it back to them, with this process taking over a month!!! Now, I'm leaving in mid March to the Mid East, so how am I suppose to track all this bs from overseas??? It only took them one day to take the money out of my account, now why can't they do the same to put it back?!!!

I already contacted my bank, and they are being extremely helpful and understanding of the situation, and are doing everything to help me.

Company: Premier Benefits, Buyers Union, Call One, Movie Pass
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 1442 E. LINCOLN AVE P.O. BOX 361
Phone: 8003578873
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