Inc. HUGE fraudulent ripoff

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It's a fake—it's a fraud—and You can tell if you educate yourself. If it is too good to be true, it IS, and that consitutes fraudulent. If you know you have less than sterling credit and legitimate credit card comanpies have turned you down... Then what makes you think a credit card company suddenly finds you from "out of the blue" and offers you a credit line in a $10,000 limit? What I really like is Credicorp's opening hook: "Good things happen to good people like you.

It's nice to imform you that a reliable person, such as yourself, has been identified and PRE-APPROVED as eligible to recieve a Platinium Card Membership" I know my current credit history—I know I am struggling and I am keenly aware of crap like this.

But what I REALLY liked was their "all-cap, small-print" disclaimer: "You have been approved for this Platinum card offer based on amoung other things, information in your credit report..." MY credit report??? It goes on to tell me I can contact TransUnion, a legitimate Credit reporting scource, at 1-888-567-8688 or PO Box 97328 Jackson, MS 39288. I did a search on the PO Box for TransUnion. I got a bunch of links that are actually helpful! How thoughtful...! Run—Run like hell... Don't be fooled, misled or bullied - Credicorp is BIG-TIME fraud.

Menlo Park, California

Company: Credicorp
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 9158 King James Drive, PO Box 569001
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Ripoff DALLAS Texas

RIPOFF, SCAM, took my $37.00 for the FAKE annual fee for them to keep, dishonest and Fraudulent!

Creditcorp, Inc
Preapproved notice - references Transunion as source of credit info

Ripoff I paid the 37 dollars by check they have cashed the check and I have not received a card from them

Credicorp Inc
Misleading Credit Card Offer From Credicorp deceptive company

Credicorp ripoff

Rip me off of USD37.00 for the immediate membership activation of a $10,000 credit limit ripoff Dallas

Ripoff give us moneyand we will give you credit - ya right!


Ripoff bogus credit provider