Target Stores
Another Example of How To Waste Time Trying To Shop at Target! & Cartersville

Shops, Products, Services

Last week I saw some put together furniture items at the kennesaw Target Store. I noted the sizes of the items and looked at the 2 items on display that I was interested in.

I went home and checked to see if the measurements were what I needed for my bedroom office. They were OK.

2 days ago I was back in that Kennesaw Target. The items were still on display but they had no stock on hand to sell. I asked if I could purchase the display items which were already put together (just pay the regular retail price for them). I was told that they only sold display items if the items were on 'closeout' and these were not.

Today 1/22/05 I went to the Cartersville Target to see if they had the items I wanted. Again, the items were on display but they did not have any units for sale. This time the furniture was all "Clearance", less 30%. So I asked a clerk and he checked only to be told that Target did not sell furniture display items but donated them to a homeless shelter!

This seemed not only stupid but contrary to what I had already been told. I stopped at the courtesy desk and a women 'manager' (that can mean just about anyone who is breathing in a Target store) showed up and I explained the run around I felt I was getting and were they operating a retail store or a donation center for the homeless shelter?

She said that they donated the items to a shelter rather than selling them as:
1) they got a lot of returns on the already assembled items,
2) after a year or so 'on display' the items cracked, chipped and parts fell off

The obvious questions here are:
A) if the items are so crappy that after only a year they are cracked, chipped and falling apart, then why is Target selling them at all?
B) if the items are so crappy that after only a year why are they giving them to some charity and not putting them into the trash dumpster?

I have made 3 trips to Target now trying to purchase a $99 desk and $69 file cabinet, in 2 stores I would have been willing to purchase the floor samples at straight retail.

I apparantly can't give away my money to this stupid chain! I offer to buy they say 'No' and even then these fools can't get together on their lies. They just keep digging themselves in deeper by saying that the merchandise they have on display is so shoddy that it dosen't last more than a year without cracking, chipping and falling apart!

I can't see any reason to bother shopping at this chain, they simply have wasted my time, Target can just go pound sand!

Acworth, Georgia

Company: Target Stores
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Kennesaw
Address: Kennesaw, Ga & Cartersville, Ga
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