Worldwide Relocations
Worldwide Relocation moving ripoff Unethical behaviour and flat out lying and dishonest people

Shops, Products, Services

I have been ripped off like so many other people by this company, worldwide relocations. I have received a commitment from Patrick, the CEO (of an eight person company) that due to his company's inaction, unjust fees were levied on me that I had to pay in order to release my shipment (otherwise I would still be sleeping on the floor).

Company: Worldwide Relocations
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Pembroke Pines
Address: 9050 Pines Blvd
Phone: 9545380782
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Worldwide Relocations - Patrick Costadoni - Loyra Rivera
Scam movers. Do not trust them! Patrick and Loyra are running a fraudulent company! Rip-off!

Worldwide Relocations
Scammers robbers they took my money and did not show up Moving Ripoff F

Worldwide Relocations
Moving ripoff did not deliver goods

Worldwide Relocations, Inc
Ripoff Moving Company

Worldwide Relocations
Hasn't delivered, Wedding presents are missing! They agreed to ship our daughter's wedding presents to her new home in Norway

Worldwide Relocations
Fraud avoid scammers Ripoff!

Worldwide Relocation
S ripoff moving scammers liers

Worldwide Relocations
Has not delivered furniture first picked up August!

Worldwide Relocations

Worldwide Relocations Inc
Worldwide Relocations corrupt - ripoff dishonest billing, refuse to communicate or return calls