Dicks Sporting goods
Nasty check out clerk - nike footwea

Shops, Products, Services

Went into the rockwall location to buy track shoes, track shoes are not labeled, asked pregnant associate in shoes and she gave me general over there by football and soccer. I make it to the correct location and there are only display shoes no boxes and noone to assist me because the two associates that I had just left are talking to each other. The pregnant one finally looks our way and yells across the room and asks if we found something to try on. I look up to see that she was talkin gto us. I refused to yell back across the room to her. She comes over and my daughter selects 3 pair of shoes to try on and she comes back w / 1 in the size rqstd but brout the other 2 in the next larger size... And leaves to go back to her conversation. We selected and make it to customer service and encounters about 5 associates, which may have included a mgr named tony. After standing there the one associate w / a customer was asked by the maybe mgr to check us out even though he had a customer, so he told us to go to Meranda and she would help us. She answers the phone as we are approaching and reaches the pone on the other side of the register between my daughter and myself to tony (sounded personal... But not sure) she checks us out and stops to make the announcement (which includes her stopping to make a call during our transaction) tha t the credit card quota had been made for the day. She asks as shes handing me this half opened shoe box if I would like a bag to which i replied yes. She puts the box back down on the counter and hands me my receipt and thanks me. I stand there waiting for her to bag my purchase and she looks at me. I tell her I'm waiting on my shoes and she tries again to give me this half opened box and I say i amwaiting on you to put it in a bag and she says I asked you if you wanted a bag. And I interjected that i had said yes. She says well i didnt hear you. After i got my bag she rolled her eyes and snared her lip as i was leaving and my daughter tells her that she didnt have to roll her eyes. Now that would have been the point that i would have made her void the transaction, but my daughter insisted that we go on. I have shopped at other Dick's, but that is my last Rockwall trip. I was getting a standard nike product and couldl have purchased them any where.

Company: Dicks Sporting goods
Country: USA
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