Trek Alliance/Chesapeake Alliance
Trek Alliance AKA Chesapeake Alliance ripoff waste of time

Shops, Products, Services

I am 26 and I have been looking for a job for awhile now, and one of the ways I'm looking is by using the internet (specifically One day I received an e-mail message entitled "Saw your resume" and was encouraged to call the person back and set up a time to meet.

Well, I called up, she offered a meeting time and I did my best to get there (it was an hour commute to Glen Burnie, MD with no traffic). I arrived and saw a group of people sitting in a room. I immediately had a feeling that this was going to be much like the Primerica presentation I had attended several months before this one.

Though my instinct told me to turn around and take the hour drive back home, I stuck around and watched their presentation. Their company had been formed by a former CEO of some other company. He was now very rich because of this formula he created. They sell water filters that take chlorine out of your water and they also sell organic household cleaning products, supplements, shampoos, conditioners and lotions.

The young ladies doing the presentation were fast talkers. I almost got the impression that they wanted to keep talking in order to discourage any questions or naysayers. First they talked about how great their products were—one claimed to have lost 20 lbs using their supplements and another squirted the houshold cleaner into her mouth to prove that it is safe for people with kids. Then they drew their company plan (you recruit 3 people, each of them recruit 3 more and so on) and they also used the backwards logic that most companies have a pyramid structure so they too are pyramid schemes.

I stayed for 2 hours, against my better judgement and I left with a headache. I spoke to the person that sent me the original email message and she insisted that though I lived an hour away that would not be such a long commute. The first thing in my mind was "Who is she to tell me whether my commute is long or not?" That was yet another turn off. Luckily I have seen this type of company before and I knew enough to stay away.

When I got home, I checked out their website again. NOt only do they expect their "sales reps" to sell $15 bottles of shampoo, they also expect them to shell out big money to pay for stationery and business cards for themselves. NO legitimate business would have you pay for those kinds of items and seeing that was the confirmatiuon I needed to tell me that there was somethin g not quite right about this company.

Company: Trek Alliance/Chesapeake Alliance
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Glen Burnie
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