Consumer Incentive Promotions
Ripoff False Promises to give you a gift in exchange for a short survey

Shops, Products, Services

RIPOFF: This company is one of the many companies that offer you something you can't refuse if you fill out a online survey, well let me tell you, fill out the survey's, you can fill them out all day if you want, you will never get anything but a mailbox full of spam! They lie so you will give out your email address, which I tell you they make money off of every company they give your name to. What I would like them to know is that how long do they actually think they will be able to do this, after a while there won't be anyone who will fill out there stupid survey's. Not to mention any company that has a good reputation doesn't need this company to advertise for them, if there good the consumer will seek them out because of creditability by word of mouth. I think its time these little sleezy companies get the rug pulled out from underneath them, how about you?

Company: Consumer Incentive Promotions
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Delray Beach
Address: 14545 J. Military Trail #189
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