Worldwide Relocations
Ripoff, scam, crooks—another angry, helpless victim of this band of crooks

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I am sad to report that Worldwide Relocations (Anna Mikova, Loyra Rivera, Patrick Costadoni) have added another victim to there long list.

I wished I had seen this site before I ever talking to these heartless, souless, morally bankrupt, afterbirth of a motherless donkey. (sorry for the vidid image, but I was just hung up on, again).

I was quoted for a move from California to Germany by Anna Mikova for $3600 (I had done the exact move a year prior and still had the bill of lading, thus was able to give Anna the exact volume of my shipment). I asked her how long it would take and was assured that within 4 weeks, I would have my belongs unpacked in my apartment in Germany. Needless to say, once my belongs were picked up on September 20 and I was out of the country, I got an invoice for $5200 (due to inaccurate information I had given Anna—however the content of my move had not changed from the original bill of lading). When I contested, I was told that if I did not pay, my stuff would sit and rot. So silly-little me, paid.

Now it is November 13. My family and I are in an empty appartment with a borrowed matress on the floor to sleep on, garden chairs and a make-shift table to eat from, and what we were able to put into our suit cases to keep out the Fall and fast approaching Winter cold.

Meanwhile, my belongings are still in California somewhere (they can't tell me where) waiting to be consolidated and for a date of shipment. Having found this website and read your postings, I am afraid that my nightmare with Worldwide Relocations is only starting.

It goes without saying, that I have had to endure the same treatment that many others have described—countless internation calls, voicemails, emails, dropped calls, on-hold only to be "accidentally" dropped, hang-ups, and my favorites, "give us your number and we'll call you right back" and "Write us an email and we'll send you an update".

Any good hearted attorney out there?

Anyone married/related to an attonrey/police officer in this county?

Anyone play tennis/soccer/softball/run/drink/sing with a anyone who can help?

Better yet, any family members of the people who work for this god-forsaken band of crooks reading this? Please save their souls by making them do their job and deliver our stuff:- (


Company: Worldwide Relocations
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Pembroke Pines
Address: 9050 Pines Blvd Suite 480
Phone: 9545380782
  <     >  


Worldwide Relocations

Worldwide Relocations, Inc
Ripoff Moving Company

Worldwide Relocations
Moving Nightmare ripoff

Worldwide Relocations - Patrick Costadoni - Loyra Rivera
Scam movers. Do not trust them! Patrick and Loyra are running a fraudulent company! Rip-off!

Worldwide Relocations
Moving ripoff did not deliver goods

Worldwide Relocations Inc
Worldwide Relocations corrupt - ripoff dishonest billing, refuse to communicate or return calls

Worldwide Relocations - Patrick Costadoni

Worldwide Relocations
Fraud avoid scammers Ripoff!

Worldwide Relocations
DO NOT USE THIS DISHONEST COMPANY And if you have here is where to file reports

Worldwide Relocations
Scammers robbers they took my money and did not show up Moving Ripoff F