At least a $50 trap once you click

Shops, Products, Services

Do Not Use it is 100% "legal fraud" and credit company does not do anything about it. After I read other on, I could not believe that still in year 2012 they are still allowed to steal $50 from each person that falls in their trap.

Their website is carefully designed very much like government websites and their policy is very tricky written in a very tiny text box that is very hard to read and scroll. It makes you think that you are paying $129 for your passport renewal. As soon as you realize that they are charging you for a service that is not needed, it does not let you go back or cancel it.

I fell in their trap on a Friday night. Their policy says you have 1 business day to cancel. I called them on Saturday morning, no one responded, I left them a message and explained that I want to cancel this nonsense order because I'd made a mistack. On next Monday morning again I called them and after a 30 minutes wait, a lady answered. As soon as I told her my name, she did not listen to me any more and just said her words that $50 is not refundable and it's written in policy and quickly hung up on me. I called multiple times, but no one answered.

Then I called my credit company, they said they'll take care of it and I'm covered up to $500 online scam. I told them that I am a web designer and if they could misled me, I bet many other people are falling in their trap and making this mistake.

After months, credit company sent me a stack of paper and simply saying the $50 is non-refundable. One of the papers that is a response from is full of lies and a made of story saying that their representative have call me multiple times and I did not answer them.

I'm sure you understand that $50 does not worth all this headache. But I feel responsible to let other people know that they should not trust and you don't even need their fraudulent service because you can fill out the application and expedite your passport renewal yourself from US Department of State website, print it out, and expedite mail it, that's what my intention was, but was mislead by the look of this website.

Country: USA
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Issued $50 fee in spite of canceling within 24 hour window. No customer service. Absolute scam

USPassportNow I recommend against using this website, you will likely donate them $130 and not receive a passport, or anything, in return Boca Raton

US Passport Now
PASSPORT SCAM - Charged me $129 for a passport I never received then lied about sending to me with false documentation
Only takes your money, deceptive of terms of services
An absolute rip-off company, don't use it! Internet

Very misleading website. Thought the charge was for the passport. It was the charge for their service. This is not a government website and they are ripping people off
Consumer Report

US Passport Now
USPassportNow Deceptive Fake Deceptive Liars

US Passport Now
Consumer Report