Jay Keldon
Joseph Zeock - wes people who worked for him money

Scam, Fake

Jay Keldon aka Joseph Raymond Zeock aka Joseph Christopher aka Mathew is one of the smartest con men around. Jay Keldon has been ripping off telemarketing companies for years. I am not a company who has been ripped off by him but I am someone who has worked with him. He owes people who worked for him money. He owes companies who have signed with him money. He owes renters money. He owes everyone money and always seems to get it. Until now the information I am about to give has never been released. He has an elaborate scheme setup in order to get away with this kind of thing as many times as he can. He always changes his name and actually checks rip-off report himself in order to see what names he can reuse and how he can setup his next scam. He is always surrounded by very attractive young men in order to portray the image of being a big time millionaire / business owner so people don't question his credit or ask for assurance in order not to be ripped off. He looks like a business owner he is in his 50's and has white hair and a somewhat large build. He has the voice of a business man and is a real smooth talker. He gets all of the different young boys to follow him through a made up program. He puts it off as a psychological program and promises these young men 10 million dollars if they are able to complete a series of tasks for him. One of these tasks is being able to find the most attractive looking guys within their area and assembling an impossible group of them in order to receive the 10 million dollars. Confidentiality is one of the biggest parts of this program so none of the young men ever speak about it or you are automatically innelligable for the grant. He has these boys work for him and be around him at all times assisting him. On the outside it looks like he is just a rich man either paying these boys for sex or other things around that realm. He actually does not have sex with any of these boys but uses psychological tricks on them in order to get them to become attached to him. The true intentions of his program are somewhat unknown but I believe it is a means for him to live rich and survive off of nothing in any area at any time. The program is extremely ellaborate and has little to no holes in it. He is as smooth of a talker within his 'grants' as much as he is with his business clients. This man must be stopped becuase he is not only ripping off unsuspecting businesses but he gets young boys to give him money and uses them and throws them away like they are items. Jay only cares for himself but comes accross as a very caring individual and he also knows how to be very humorous. He always tells people what they want to hear and is very careful to say the right things all of the time. He goes by different names all of the time and I am sure he will see this. Hopefully a post like this will be enough to end his scam permanently since the foundation of his crimes is based off of this made up grant program that he has.

Company: Jay Keldon
Country: USA
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Jay Keldon

Jay Keldon - Joseph Zeock
Grants scammer

Focus One Sales Group / TeleTeam USA / Joseph Raymond Zeock / Jay Keldon / Ben McClaskey
If your in the market for a marketing campaign and all you want are headaches and no results this is the company for you!

Las Vegas Nevada Actionable Award Program

Joseph r zeockTeleTeam USA, American Marketing & Design Group
Aliases: Joseph R. Zeock, J R Zeock, J Zeock, Jay Zeock, Joseph M Zeock, Joseph Raymond Zeock, Michael A Zeock SCAM ARTIST SICKO FAG BEWARE

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