Acai Berry Detox
Medication makes me sick

Scam, Fake

Please quit the tablets and that I haven't obtained the colon flush but I've been charged twice. Over 87.00. Please return my cash or I'll don't have any option to stop my card again.

Christine and Scott Ruiz

Company: Acai Berry Detox
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Monticello
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Acai Berry Detox, Colon Cleanse
Acai Berry Detox - Colon Cleanse - Life Cleanse Charged credit card for unauthorized product Life Cleanse and hide 14-day trial information on Acai Berry Detox and Colon Cleanse which would have charged $79.95 each

Acai Berry

Acai Berry Detox
Unauthorized charges

Acai Berry Detox

Acai Berry Detox
Acai Berry Detox

Acai Berry Detox
Pretended to provide a 3.95 free trial bottle of Acai Berry, charged 87.13 on credit card

FWM Laboratories & Acai Berry Detox
Supplier of Acai Berry Detox Hollywood, Florida

Acai Berry Detox
Scam charges

Acaiberry Detox
Unauthorized charge

FWM Laboratories
Acai berry detox