Marion Browning-Baker Family Law Practice
Disbarred! Lawyer Marion Browning-Bake

Scam, Fake

Justice is eventually served – Marion Browning-Baker is NOW DISBARRED and has permanently lost her law license. And it was served on Patriot’s Day too. How appropriate for the men and women who served our country and have been her "victims" for over 15 years after the US Army kicked her out as a JAG lawyer.

Here is the link for the actual disbarment decision by the Georgia State Bar: Pdf

Or the link to the recent (as of April 19) attorney discipline page: Cfm

The latest information is that Marion Browning-Baker is now officially a fugitive from Germany as she fled that country for federal income tax evasion before they could prosecute her. Allegations are that she did almost all of her "law practice" business in US banks and US credit cards and then never claimed any of it as Germany income as it bypassed their financial system. This is NOT our opinion either as a professional source from the USA contacted us through our ad and said that Browning-Baker actually BOASTED to her on the telephone that by using the Germany-USA-Virgin Islands "Bermuda Triangle" for residences, she paid no taxes ANYWHERE for the past 20 years.

What we do know also from multiple online sources is that she has a husband named Wendell T. Baker who is a retired US Army sergeant and who is still feeding from the federal trough as he has some US Government job in the Norfolk VA area.

Now Marion and Wendell can live with the reality that the money they are both spending is "dirty" and was never earned honestly. I hope Wendell can sleep well from this after serving in the US Army all the while knowing his wife ran her law practice scam against his fellow service members throughout the 30 years of their marriage. But then again, it might just be possible that Sergeant Baker was too naive to figure out what was happening right under his nose?

Since Marion Browning-Baker has also boasted a lot over the years to more than one client about her "mansion she owns in the Virgin Islands" on Lovenlund in St. Thomas, call her at 340-776-8428 as an ex-client and maybe she will invite you in for coffee the next time you are down there (FYI - this is all public information taken from the St. Thomas online telephone book).

As a result of her formal disbarment plus all of the above, we now have solicited a lawyer to begin a class action suit against her since we now have over 65 confirmed ex-clients willing to testify. Therefore if you used ever used Marion Browning-Baker in any capacity and desire to be a part of the settlement process, contact our hired attorney at and we will send you a data sheet to formally register as a claimant.

Company: Marion Browning-Baker Family Law Practice
Country: USA
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Marion Browning-Baker Family Law Practice
Disbarred! Lawyer Marion Browning-Bake

Marion Browning-Baker Family Law Practice
Disbarred! Lawyer Marion Browning-Baker - Family Law

Marion Browning-Baker Family Law Practice
Lawyer Marion Browning-Baker Still In Germany Scamming Clients!

Author Ella Quinn
Author Ella Quinn is Disbarred Lawyer and German Tax Fugitive Marion Browning-Bake

Marion Browning-Baker Family Law Practice
Marion Browning-Baker Still in Germany Scamming Clients

Marion Browning-Bake
Bills Client For No Work

Marion Browning-Baker Family Law Practice
Marion Browning-Baker Still in Germany Scamming Clients

Marion Browning-Baker
Marion Browning-Baker Is Now Ella Quinn %u2013 Fiction Writer!

Marion Browing-Baker Family Law Practice
Marion Browning-Baker Is Now Ella Quinn – Fiction Writer!

Marion Browning-Baker Family Law Practice
She misled me and charged me $30,000 for a divorce when I could have paid under $5,000 in Germany