Neat Bar
In Glendale, Scam Charged me an extra 20 dollars on my TAB, DON"T GO

Recreation & Entertainment

My tab was for $96.00 and that's what I signed for. The company added a $20.00 charge onto my tab and charged me $116.00. I did not leave a tip, and there was no required gratuity stated anywhere in the business, or receipt. Stay away from Neat bar in Glendale.

Company: Neat Bar
Country: USA
State: California
City: Glendale
Address: 1114 N Pacific Ave
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Neat Receipts
Neat Receipts - Terrible

Lost all my company's information - cannot recover file

The Neat Company
Neat, Neat Receipts, Neatworks Harassed for payments for a machine I bought somewhere else

The Border Mexican Restaurant
Overcharged for Gratuity Receipt states 18%, but they charged 24%

Neat Receipts Little, more like no customer support for faulty product

Jones Heating and Cooling
Extremely neat and professional

Bay Carpet, Glendale New York

Glendale Marina
Charged for work not done and charged more for parts than manufacture suggested

Direct Shopping Network
Consumer Report

Neat Receipt
The Neat Company defective product, zero customer service