Verfied cappers this handicapping site is a total scam

Recreation & Entertainment

Stay away from ANY handicapper on This is a new site selling sports picks and they are a TOTAL SCAM!


1) They supposedly "rate" all the sports handicappers, however, the handicappers on their site are all rated as A or A while all other cappers are F or D... It's obvious they only rate their cappers an A.

2) They say they rate based on comments, however, they don't show the name of the person making the comment, they don't show when it was made or even what the negative comment is. It's obvious that they don't actually have any comments about the other handicappers

3) Do a google search on their handicappers and NONE of them are real people... NONE of them have any history of handicapping on any other sites, none of them have football magazines, none of them are on TV and none of them can be found ANYWHERE except on their site...

This is the BIGGEST Fraud in the handicapping industry. It's obvious they made up a bunch of "pro handicappers" then rated them all as A-ratings... They then took all other cappers and rated them low or an F. Stay away from this site, complete scam... If you don't believe me, just do google searches on their guys and other cappers and it's very easy to see what is going on here.

Country: USA
State: Arizona
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