Roman Vintfeld and all the scammers at the locations in New Jersey InterFACE & Roman Vintfeld and workers are all scammers

Recreation & Entertainment

Hey my kids are cute (G/B twins) I'm not lying about that BUT... They aren't going to create a cataclysmic splash in the industry as I was told by the high pressure salesman at the InterFACE Talent & Modeling Agency who claimed to be the president of those "parents who started the company who were looking for a way to break their kids into the industry!" Whew! Before I knew it I had paid for two extremely high priced photo sessions. When I came to my senses as I arrived back home I read through the ENTIRE contract (which I HIGHLY recommend before being as sutpid as me!) and there was NO guarantee that my children would even be sent out to be seen!!! Then I remembered the comment - "You see this kid?!? (on a VERY expensive composite card) Beautiful right?

Well, her dad sat like THIS in my office and it was then I knew I couldn't send her out anymore." WHAT?!?!?! These people PAID a heck of a LOT of money to you for these pictures and in their mind PROMOTION of their daughter and YOU are not going to send out her pictures because YOU didn't like the way her DAD sat!?!?!?! So I called them and asked the process about contract cancellation and getting my money back (it was written on the contract but with scammers like these you have to get it from the horses mouth!). For sure Robert tried to talk me out of it but conceeded when he realized I wasn't backing down (what is WITH these people and their high pressure!?!? This is ILLEGAL).

So I sent in the cancellation request THAT day certified mail return receipt (a Saturday). I received the confirmation and saw that the cancellation request was received BY THEM August 1st! That was WITHIN 48 hours! Fast forward after my summer vacay and I called the on the 18th only to find out that my "check" for the full amount would be in the mail on the 26th - huh!?!?! WHY!?!?!? It should have been sent out the SAME DAY the contract was cancelled!!! I am paying charges on my credit card for THEM!?! Well, ok, give them a chance - NO GO (and THAT'S why I call them scammers)! Its the 30th and no check so I called today - I got transferred to a number which turned into a voice mail (after I hid my number because before that no one was answering the phone! Yeah, they will do that to you too because they have the money for state-of-the-art caller ID). I left a message and then called back and got the name of the person to whose extension I was referred - Carmen Silvera... Let's see if she calls me back... AND SENDS THE CHECK!!!

This is a SCAM because its high pressure, too much money for EVERY STEP OF THE WAY AND you get the run around trying to get your money back even AFTER YOU HAVE FOLLOWED THE LAW! If you have the money fine, do what you will but all I want is my money BACK and if I don't get it I WILL take the next step which is to file a consumer complaint and bring it to the courts. Contact me if you want to help.

Company: InterFACE
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: East Brunswick
Address: 15 Kennedy Blvd
Phone: 7329934141
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InterFace Talent Network
This is a total SCAM operation. Do not give them your credit card #. Scam operation! Targeting mothers @ shopping malls w/young children, "free evaluation", high pressure sales pitch do not give credit card number!


InterFace Talent Network
After I went to Interface in Boca R. For a photo session w/my daughter, all these marketing people put pressure on me to pay more because the photos payments does not include the contract

Dixie Home Crafters/Gutter Guard LLC
High Pressure Sales - Invalid Contract Cancellation Address

InterFace Talent Agency
InterFace Modeling Agency Parents: Just Say No to InterFace

"talent scouts" that are liarsta
Nta Kids I have also been ripped off by

Inter Face Agency is a scam. They steal your money

Industry Model & Talent Studios
Is a total scam and complete rip off

Interface modeling agency
They scam me and my Family