Dave 'The Nazi' Rich
Dave'the nazi' rich is a thief

Recreation & Entertainment

DAVE RICH is the so-called producer of a movie entitled MARGERINE WARS. He claims to haver written it but he is a liar, of course. Not important: he DIDN'T write it someone else did. He knows nothing about film production thought he claims to know about it. He carefully waited until the director had completed the shoot and then sacked him to save some of the fee due to the director for post production. Typical cheap skate thievery for which he is well-known.

He sacked the producer and line producer without reason or notice to save small amounts of money. He allowed the production manager to work for three works ON post production without pay and then sacked him. Sadly, this Nazi is a thief with no moral fibre at all. His conduct of the production was wayward in the extreme, failing to pay per diems due to various production staff.

I could go on. I can only say this unpleasant man - fond of racist jokes - was consistent in only one thing: he was rude, racist, anti-woman on a fairly consistent asis. He is a liar and a thief who will steal from his employees whatever he thinks he can get away with.

So. Beware. If this man approaches you with the intention of 'making a film' run A MILE! HE IS AN unreliable, liar and will chisel what he can from you and all other employees.

Company: Dave 'The Nazi' Rich
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Phoenix
Site: margerinewars.com
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