The Synergy Events
Bhal Magallon, hunkybhal, hunkybhal@gmail echosign@echosign,, reaz, kimberly, The emerging Trends boston fashion week, Major Scam web ring Boston, Massachusetts

Recreation & Entertainment

Do not sign up to pay for anything. Do your research, there is a person out there scamming people under anything they can scam you on, they are professionals and have multiple email addresses, and names. They do the job well, and provide fake websites that make you feel that it is 100% legit. Be on the lookout for the websites, they range from twitter accounts, facebook fan pages, youtube videos to actual dot com websites! They are complete professional con artists. Be very suspicious of emails claiming to be from a business, that have POOR spelling / grammar. I believe they are located in the Philippines.

The person who organizes the scams most recently has a scam in the Boston Mass area, claiming to be a fashion designer Publicity group. Do your research people! Check the chamber of commerce to see if the local business is legit. ALWAYS CHECK YOUR EMAILS FULL HEADERS, locate where the return address is going to... Most cases the scammer will disguise the return path to the email. You can only tell from checking the full headers option in your email box. Call the actual company and ask if these people work there (do NOT use ANY info provided by the potential scammer. Use a real phone book) no phone number??? Really? Ask yourself if they wouldnt provide you a phone number or address, then perhaps there is a reason! Be advised this is a career scammer, there is huge money in this business. Be suspicious of how you get your emails!!

Company: The Synergy Events
Country: USA
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Carrick Boston
Suspicious Response to Craigslist Ad

Carrick Boston
Suspicious response on my craigslist post
Took my money and ran

Scurry Afo Or Emails
Another Craigslist courier'd check scammer - probably same people as Andrew Taylor Internet

Liz Benson
Liz Benson Tried to rip me off with a certified check

James Nicoles
IPhone Scammer Inernet

Nicole Felicia Cline
Nicole Cline Internet Forum Scammer, Craigslist Scammer, Messageboard Scammer!

Global Test Market
Global Test Surveys scam, mail fraud, fraud, bad check, fake check, fake survey, work at home scam

Jan Stringer West Phd. And National Business Research Institute, Inc. ("NBRI")
BEWARE of a person calling herself
Consumer Report