Hot Movie Sales
Taking $9.95 a month from my bank account so that they can offer "discounts"

Recreation & Entertainment

When I wanted to buy a gift for my 84 year old mother, I chose Hot Movie Sales because they had the best price. They offered a "first time discount" which was a reduced price and free shipping. Since my purchase was well over $100.00, I was quite happy with the idea. I signed up for membership and though. "Why would I want to buy anywhere else, when they have the best prices?"

It's Stump the Chump time. Folks, and I'm a world class Chump. What "membership" meant was that they would take $9.95 out of my account every month - and of course I don't always check the charges, I wound up paying $60.00 (rounded to the nearest dollar) for the "discount and free shipping".

I had to get on the phone for 30 minutes and become quite nasty before they would put me through to someone who had the authority to refund some of the money. I still wound up paying $30.00 for the "discount and free delivery".

Shame on me. I should have suspected deception. Thesse companies thrive on tricking unaware people out of their money.

My solution to this is quite simple. We need to create a LAW for internet businesses to make them post a notice about any recurring charges.By law it should be written directly under the company's logo, and in fonts the same size as the company name.

That will do away with the deceitful trick of small print at the bottom of the page, or any other ambiguities.

Who wants to join me in making a law?

Company: Hot Movie Sales
Country: USA
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Hot Movie Sales
Unauthorized Charges

Movie Mars Inc
RIP-OFF Sells Movies at discount prices that will not play in USA

HMS Hot Movie Sales
Ripoff fraud charges

BBV Hot Movie Sales, Best Brand Values, etc
$5 "discount" = $20 "monthly "membership." Beware.internet

Discount Book Sales, LLC
BBV Discount Books On line book sales. At end of order ask if you want a discount? I said yes and by book went from $10. To $4.59 only in small print it said I signed up for a book club at $9.95 a month which after 6 mo

SmartSavingsCenter, LLC Dba DiscountBookSale
Also & Switch~hidden charges~rejection of order cancellation

Dish Network Satellite TV
You fail to honor your offer!

Hot Movie Sales
HMS, affiliated with Smart Savings Center, Best Brand Values was offered a $5 disount, but by accepting was committed to a $19.95/month membership

BBV HotMovieSales
I ordered a christmas movie cause I could not find it in the stores, I only wanted the one movie, the next thing I know Im getting charged $9.99 a month since Nov. And I did Not join any membership!

Dish Network Satellite TV
Promised Blockbuster not received!