Stub Hub
Tiger at yankee stadium - yankee tickets

Recreation & Entertainment

I purchased tickets and was the winning bidder. The credit card was authorized for a week but could not secure the tickets until 3 hours before the game. I could not reverse or withdraw the bid nor secure the tickets any earlier. This is an ominous practice that will presented to the attorney general's office. You should address this immediately.

Company: Stub Hub
Country: USA
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Stub Hub
Stub Hub no control for the buye

Yankee Stadium
Yankee prices

Stub Hub
Ad service - Football game

Stub Hub
Stub Hub Misrepresents Tickets

Stub Hub
Fraudulent Practices/Not able to contact Corp. Office

Stub Hub
Misrepresents Tickets

Stub Hub
Lady Gaga Concert - Nashville, TN

Union Trust Financial Inc
Claim: AR-038-4244 You are entitled to the sum of U.S. $250,000.00!

Stub Hub
Selling tickets - Cub tickets

Yankee Stadium
Costly ripoff