Blockbuster - Blockbuster Online
Starts out great... Then you dont get what you pay for anymore and they lie to you

Recreation & Entertainment

I have been subscribing to Blockbuster Online for just over 3 months. I pay for a DVD/Blue Ray online rental service with them in wich I get 3 DVDs at home at a time.
For the first three months it was great. I would always have 3 movies at a time at home or in the mail. For example say I had three movies at home and I sent them all three back on a Monday. They would recieve them on Tuesday and ship me 3 more on Tuesday. I would recieve all three movies on Thursday at the latest. I live less than 20 miles from there Portland distribution center so it didnt take long for the mail to get them to me. I loved it I always got 3 movies a week.
Now things have changed. Maybe you get a good 3 month period where they hook you in so you tell your friends and then there service declines dramatically. Now im lucky if they send me two at a time. Also it takes them 3-4 days to recieve them and they dont ship them for a couple of days after that. So say I send 3 movies back on Monday. They will recieve them officially on Thursday. And ship me 2 more on Monday. I will recieve the two on maybe Wedensday or Thursday. The third they will send next Monday wich I will recieve the following wedensday.
WTF Blockbuster? We had a beautiful thing going. You broke my movie addicted heart.
I called the 1-866 number. The customer service rep. Said that the reason things are slowing down is because they changed distribution programs. Also he said that the 12 available movies I have in my queue isnt enough. I should have 15 available movies. That will help. So its my fault. I mustve missed that in the service agreement. As pertaining to the 3rd movie I havnt gotten he said its available Nationally. Not in my state. I didnt know Wall-E was banned in the state of Oregon. Since its a G rated movie and Oregon is a very liberal state I think its safe to own wall-E here.
So basically there only sending me two movies every other week and one every 3rd week because available dosnt really mean available any more with there new distribution system. It means available in some states, and only if you have 15 available movies at the top of your queue. 12 available movies means big time service restrictions. Why cant they just send me 3 movies at a time like I pay for. I make sure the once marked short wait, long wait, and very long wait are way down at the bottom of my queue. I make sure there are many available movies at the top of my queue. I live close by there distribution center so its not like it takes 7 to 10 days to mail a little envelope across town
Blockbuster Online sucks. Dont fall into there trap. Im not the first person to have this issue with Blockbuster Online. Other people complained about downgraded service after a few months even a year ago so the distribution program change is an obvious lie. This company dosnt deserve peoples business there are other company who do mail order movie rentals with far less complaints.

Company: Blockbuster - Blockbuster Online
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
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Very bad service

Blockbuster Online
Horrible Gilbert

Blockbuster Online
Ripoff takes money when not authorized after you cancel membership

Blockbuster Online
Throttling Mailings

BlockBuster Online
Questionable Billing Practices Ripoff

Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing Nationwide

Non-playable disks, not able to to view Queue, Customer Service non-responsive

Blockbuster Inc
Unfair laws or regulation

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Blockbuster Of Ocala, Florida ripoff

They charged me $61 after I cancelled my membership