Explore Talent Blatant SCAMs to get your money, Don't believe their Lies!

Recreation & Entertainment

These people are horrible!

They LURE you with fake offers of auditions and castings to get you to pay for FALSE information. Don't believe them!

Company: Exploretalent.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8005987500
Site: exploretalent.com
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Explore Talent
Explore Talent is the biggest scam! Everywhere California

Explore Talent
Is A Scam scam, lies, misleading, thieves

Explore Talent
Explore Talent Casting Audition Modelling Hollywood California

The Actors Club
Explore Talent, talent hunter Scam thousands of aspiring actors out of money by false castings, and having them pay to join a fake site

Ami Shafrir - Explore Talent
Exploretalent.com exploretalent Exploretalent.com is a scam sham rip off

Explore Talent
ExploreTalent.com I believe that is a Scam! San Francisco California

Explore Talent ExploreTalent.com
Explore Talent Rude customer service and an all around gimmick

ExploreTalent.net Scam, lie, lied, lied, LIED, No where to be found

Explore Talent
Fraud! Internet

Actors Club
To audition for this casting call, The Actors Club Casting is a scam