Ambient Planet
I have not been paid within contract for over 3 weeks. I have to call this company everyday and give me the same excuses. They claim the check has not come from England, but I do not believe them

Recreation & Entertainment

I have dealt with company Ambient planet for a couple of past promotions. They say they will pay in 30 days but they will pay nowhere near. It has been over three week and they keep saying the check is from England, but I do not believe it for a minute. They keep stating that they have contacted me and gave me an e-mail to follow up. But I steer away from this company they do not pay on time try to.

Company: Ambient Planet
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New york
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Ambient Planet
Ambient-Planet, SCAM - DOES NOT PAY!

Ambient Planet
Promotions, Modeling, Agency

Ambient Planet
NON-PAYMENT for promotional work!

Ambient Planet
Does not pay

Ambient Planet
Media Initiatives Group ~ No company contact for lack of payment! ~

Ambient Planet
Ernie Zambrano, Will not aswser calls/emails RE: Payment for work still not recieved

Ambient Planet

Ambient planet
Media Initiatives Group Ltd - MIG, Does not pay for services rendered in the specified time frame, if at all

Non-payment for contract work performed

Ambient Planet
Colleen McGovern - Manager of Marketing Operations for Ambient Planet Quiznos and Ambient Planet are Partners in Crime - Nonpayment