Qwest/direct Tv
Billing Errors

Recreation & Entertainment

We included web, cell, house telephone, and Television together. Qwest was getting us around. $300 per month.

We got a phone 5 weeks later that people were $1,500 behind about the statement plus they disconnected ANYTHING as the man was speaking with us. No telephones, Television, Web, nothing. All removed. We changed to Cox-2 moments later-but buyer beware... DON'T OPT FOR QWEST

The statement was therefore large since:

1. They added on providers we didn't purchase

2. Stated we purchase "50 or even more films" from PPV on Direct TV in only 30 days along

3. Billed people for long-distance... But not able to display a statement with long-distance figures onto it

4. Billed us for providers we didn't purchase

5. Mistated costs for numerous additional providers

The corporation is just a TEAR 5. AVOID SUCH AS THE H1N1 DISEASE

Lesson learned, also, is: when you have a problem with ONE support, all of your providers get disconnected! Therefore, bundling isn't the best way to proceed. It'snot worth the cash you conserve [$20'ish].

Company: Qwest/direct Tv
Country: USA
State: Arizona
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Esbi Ets
And Qwest Long Distance Rip Off ESBI long distance carriers are not partners with Qwest but apparently doing business with them

Qwest And Teleseven
Qwest - teleseven ripoff! Direct Assist charges fake

Gibson Trust
AKA Goldstar Financial ripoff consumer fraud fraudulent business deception victimized many consumers

Usbi - Nsbi
Usbi - Nsbi lied saying they were Qwest and that NSBI would now be handling long distance for Qwest. They slammed my phone bill They Said Las Vegas

Qwest Billings and Bundles

Internet Bundled Service Problems

Usbi Telephone
Long-distance rip-off provide

Charges were made to my Qwest bill in the amount of $8.43 for long distance phone services that I did not subscribe to.internet And On-line Only

Esbi Ets And Usbi
Qwest partners with telephone service scammers

After two years of constant erroneous billing mistakes. We've cancelled our account with them