Paul Roberts
Modelling Scammer Melbourne Victorian

Recreation & Entertainment

I have not personally met Paul Roberts but I want to tell you a story which will change your mind when you hear what happened to a friend of mine.

At the time my friend was fifteen who is now seventeen.
She is pretty but only five foot when the prequisite towards being a model is six foot something so automatically she fails in that aspect.

One time we were talking at her house and she tells me about how she got offered a modelling contract/business card from Paul Roberts Modelling Issue.
First question I asked. No joke was "Is it a scam?" since I had read a Dolly magazine warnings of scams from these types of industrys.

She showed me the card and said "It looks authenitic". The thought ran in my mind that anyone can create anything on paper. I could get business cards made saying I am a lawyer or a doctor and it does not mean I am one. Rather then argue with her I let it slide since it was not my money nor my descision.

Anyway she gets there and she gets inteviewed about how she had potential. Then asks her for $2000 for a modelling workshop and she just saw the whole Name Up In Lights image and her parents just sent a cheque right his way.

First photoshoot she went to she told me...
Paul did..
A) The photography
B) The Makeup

Okay! Hold up people spend years in university to be able to do these and in professional agencys aka Chadwick and Ford models. They have separate people to do these that have a degree. The agent NEVER does the both, one or either. If Paul really thinks his a good makeup artist then he should know greasy ponytails are not fasionable.

Another point. On my friends first photo shoot she had to bring her own clothes. If your a model? A real one the clothes should be provided since your trying to promote clothes. My friend had no name brand clothes and she does not like to spend over $20.

As the days wore one my friend got more pretenious. She told everyone that they were jealous of her because she is the model and we were not. She began taking all these photos of herself and taking two hours to get ready for one day.

She even told me how other "so called" model stormed out of Paul Roberts building saying what a scammer he was and how they wasted their money. My friend merely shrugged and stated "Is not good enough". Hello Alarm Bells ringing.

Another DIFFERENT friend who wanted to be a model. For her Year 10 work experience went to Paul Roberts for the week since thats the only place in the phonebook that accepted her to do work experience. After that week she NEVER wanted to be a model but instead choose to do Fashion Design instead.

Also he claims to be international... But where Paul are the international websites? No American site? No Paris Site? No such place exists although you wish you could scam across the nation.

To cut it down..
My friend who went to Paul Roberts spent $2000 got twelve photos, no modelling offers or even close too. Please do not fall into the same trap. If you read other reports I am sure you can see the comparisons.


Company: Paul Roberts
Country: Australia
Address: 370 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne, 3000
Phone: 0396820886
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He is a Scam artist big time. Fills your head with lies and false promises, Over charges and gives no service. Melbourne Victoria

Paul Roberts International Modelling Agency
Payed $2,000 for photos, have been scammed, lied to and ripped off

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Paul Roberts International Modelling Agency
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Ripped me of