Company, Not The Sales Guy
Great Sales Staff - But Once Hooked - Watchout BAD SERVICE Great sales staff that convinces you to spend $2k - BAD Customer Service After the Deal Chicago Illinois

Recreation & Entertainment

This is the first and only report I've ever written about a Company. I own 8 companies and normally do not do this but I want to get the word out to other business owners about this company as they target small/medium size business's.

We were contacted by about a few days ago. (if you look up "houlihan smith scams" on google you will find many complaints about their call center calling small business's asking for company presidents to setup time to talk with them - i guess they are rude from what others are saying, they were nice to me during that call).

They stated they will send out a "Regional Director" with experience. After some research I see a few job postings from them hiring "Regional Managers as a "sales" position - not a consultant position which I believe they should be. The sales associate, "Regional Director", I meet with was very nice to work with and basically said they only accept "very few business's" (which I dont believe seeing how they have a staff of 200 cold calling every business around and the sales talk we had). But, anyway, he was a nice guy, great to work with and stated for "$2,000" they will send down a specialist to anaylize my business and get it ready for "funding". I said, maybe I will give it a try, I will confirm with you later today. He left.

I called the "Regional Director" back and explained that I'm just not sure about the $2K up front as well as the kind of "sales scam" weird feeling I had and I will hold off for a week to think and research it. He told me to call "Dean K. (forgot last name)" at the corporate office in Chicago. I called Dean and explained that same thing to him (I didn't say sales scam), I was nice and said "I'm not sure about the $2k fee up front, I need sometime to think about it". He immediatly said "if you hire someone cheaper you will get crappy service, actually we dont want to work with anyone who is cheap anyway" as well as other things. I was shocked at how Rude he was to me on the phone and jerkish he was as I wanted to think about it for a week.

That right there, confirmed what I was thinking about the company and why I wanted time to think about it. They offer a "sales" staff up front where it should be a consultant to help you get funding for your business and sell you on the idea and after the fact or as soon as they get your money or your not interested - they throw you to the side and act Horriable customer service.

So beware - if your called by them, they will come out and meet with you for free at first, and just keep your eyes open as I'm sure you will realize you will sense the sales scams by calling their "director" explaining information and saying "we accept them" (which at that point they dont know if we are profitable, how much, etc... It was a 15 minute quick conversation before that point)...

I would suggest doing your homework as there are many other firms out there that you sign up with for no fees, and they will only accept you based on thats the only way they get paid is if they deliver. Also - just test them out and ask if you can have a week to think or your unsure about something (to the company, not the sales guy, he will tell you what you want obviously - but he isn't the one out there working with investors on yoru behalf)

Good Luck

Company: Company, Not The Sales Guy
Country: USA
State: Oregon
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