Universal Talent
Jimmy, John, & Glenn Vincent Acting Teacher Ditto On Universal Talent of Wayne, NJ Being A Ripoff and A Few Words of Advice

Recreation & Entertainment

Trust me when I tell you that everything said in any of usacomplaints. Coms published so far about Universal Talent of Wayne, NJ is absolutely, positively true!

I too, was a victim of their (Jimmy & John) scam a couple of years ago. John was the quieter-but equally untrustworthy-of the two, regarding the use of his & Jimmy's high-pressured sales tactics.

Jimmy was the "muscle"-end. He could-and often did-get pretty mean & nasty when things didn't go his way. Add to that, was their very charming "Acting Teacher"-the only one on their staff-who happened to be (a now former) friend of mine, named Glenn Vincent.

I had known Glenn Vincent for over 40 years, and here he was today; the aforementioned "charming Acting Teacher", employed by Universal Talent of Wayne, NJ.

Mr. Vincent didn't even have the courtesy of telling me (if for no other reason, than our being "old friends") that Universal Talent of Wayne, NJ was just a scam.

It was the first and only time I was ever "scammed-out of a friendship"; well, enough said about these three very different, but character & integrity-challenged low-lifes named Jimmy, John & Glenn.

The loss of the money I laid-out on this scam has more than since been replaced; I eventually was able to join the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), where I got paid some good and honest Union wages. They didn't take any "commission" for it either, and after taxes it was all mine to keep.

With that said, what iwould my advice be to any serious, aspiring Actor? It's this... Do your homework and research first before spending even one Penny, don't trust anyone but yourself, and don't ever let anyone disuade you from your dream.

Most especially, don't even trust anyone that you've known for many years, as they can screw you just as easily as a total stranger can. I now know that all to well.

Best of luck & success to all, & thank God for websites like this!

Company: Universal Talent
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Wayne
Address: 26 Sherman Street
Phone: 9736860100
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