Trans continental talent
Trans Continental talent ripoff dirty SOB's

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There's this guy in the worcester office named jimmy who is a total sleazeball. My friend and i went in there after we got scouted by some guy near my house. Jimmy started hitting on us the second we walked in the door. Asking us if we're single, etc. Then he starts asking my friend her measurements to "see if you have the right measurements to model" yeah right, he just wanted to know what her measurements were. Perve.

Then after the open call thing he asked us both if we wanted to enroll. He said that he'd put in a good word for us if we were thinking about it. Then he said they were sponsoring some kinda hawaiin tropic thing in town and that if we went he would see us there.

WHAT A TOTAL PERVERT. Someone should tell these employees they need to get dates outside the group of models they scout.


worcester, Massachusetts

Company: Trans continental talent
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Worcester
Address: 446 main street
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