Fossil Rim Wildlife Ranch
Horrid customer service and experience

Recreation & Entertainment

We drove 2 and a half hours after reading the website which states to allow 2 hours before closing to see everything. We arrived at 3:10 (park closes at 5:30), went to get gas and we were back at 3:35.

My first disappointment was they only allow you to buy 1 very small bag of feed. We ran out exactly half way through. I explained to the woman at the front that we drove over 2 hours wanting with the intention to feed the animals but that didn't matter to her.

We get to the giraffes (which is the reason we went) and there was an employees truck behind us. As soon as we started feeding them I decided to pull over to the side to let the employee's truck pass us. I did it out of courtesy. The employee gets out of the truck and starts rounding up the giraffes to put in their pen! Right when we were feeding them! Had I not been a gentleman and moved we would have been able to enjoy the giraffes.

The baby giraffe kept trying to come to our car but the employee got in her truck and was herding her to keep the baby away from us. It was only 4:45.

So we get half way and get out of our car to go see the wolves (about 5pm). Some woman starts yelling at us saying that the petting zoo and wolf den is closed. I explained we paid full price for a ticket and she just gave me the biggest attitude! She chastised me for leaving to go get gas so I asked her if she would rather we run out of gas in the park. She told me they could of sold me gas if I asked. WHAT? I told the woman at the front that I have to run and get gas and they didn't offer to sell me any.

At this point we were half way through and had no food to feed the rest of the animals including the zebras! We left and there were 2 cars still behind us so it's not like we were the last ones there. When I went to the main gate to voice my complaints the woman turned off the lights and hid in the office. When she realized I wasn't going away until my voice was heard she got all huffy puffy while listening to my complaints. I mean we drove FOUR HOURS round trip!

It was a total disaster. They have a great set up with some great animals but my god the customer service is just TERRIBLE! It was a Sunday so it's not like an odd day, we did everything that their website said to do, got there on time and they totally ripped us off! Plus the bag of feed was 8 bucks! At Natural Bridge Caverns a bag that size comes included with each admission plus you can buy as many extras as you want for one dollar a piece! My wife and I like to spend time with the animals, feed and pet them. This is a good place to SEE animals but if you are looking to interact and feed them save your time and money and go elsewhere! Also if you are just wanting to see animals (giraffes in their pen etc.) then this is not a bad place to go. But if you are like me and customer service is #1 then you'll also give this place a 1 star rating.

Company: Fossil Rim Wildlife Ranch
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Glen Rose
Address: 2155 CR 2008
Phone: 2548972960
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