Netfix is a rip off Internet

Recreation & Entertainment

Netfix is a rip off! Along with very beat up DVDs, the turn around time is awful! When you start going thru movies too fast they make sure they slow you down. Either they just don't mail them out or say there is a problem with your acct even though they have already taken money from it! They say they are better than blkbuster - (yes you will probably redact but we all know who the competitor is) but bb isn't closed from 5PM on Fri to 7Am on Mon. Forget cust serv or getting a refund -it is impossible. The will make a rebuttal here quicker than they will respond to cust serv complaints. I also know their rebuttal will state "I don't think that you have read the (Netflix) agreement in it's entireity". What a bunch of garbage-does the agreement state we will slow down turn around if you try to make this service cost effective for your family? I doubt it!!!

Company: Netflix
Country: USA
State: Nationwide, Internet
City: Nationwide
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Netflix, slow - slow - sloooooow

Verizon New York
Send me a bill $352.03 for account that I never open (845-838-2987) New York New York

The Greatest Vitamins In The World

Netflix, Inc
Outrageous price increase - dvd rentals

Don't Do It! - Awful Customer Service

Netflix, Inc
Downhill very fast. - dvd rentals

IT Data Direct, Mayrand Publishings
They said I owed them for some CD I did not order, I told them I was filing a complaint w/AG

Netflix blatantly lies about Unliminited DVDs Per Month... Full Throttle In Effect
Netflix Rip-off charged for item they lost

Thomson Electric
Thomson Elect cust serv. Is awful