Tickets My Way Headliner Tickets
Scam and scam again

Recreation & Entertainment

I ordered tickets to All American Rejects in Houston, then a couple of days later I ordered tickets to Disney on Ice in Houston. I got confirmation emails immediately and, of course, they charged my credit card. As the dates of the events got closer, and I still had not received the tickets, I started calling and emailing them. Their email boxes are full or they don't return emails, their "live help" button on the web site never has any operators available, and they don't answer the phones or you get a recording. I did get one guy one time who assured me the tickets would be fed-exed in time for the event.

Needless to say, I never got the tickets to either. I called the credit card company to start the process of filing a fraud complaint and this is where it gets really interesting... They refunded the money to the credit card to get them off of their back, but turned around a couple of days later and charged the card again. Also, a guy named Chad with an Austin, Texas area code called me and offered to sell me some tickets to the Disney on Ice. He said that tickets my way was out of business but they had asked him to "help out" by calling their customers. The only way he could have known my phone number and that I bought tickets from them is if he knows them. He said he hadn't talked to them "for a couple of weeks" but he knew I would be needing tickets that they would not be sending me. I guess they figured they could try to scam me again. These guys are blatantly trying to take as much money as they can. The owner is listed as Brian DeHoyos.

Company: Tickets My Way Headliner Tickets
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 3355 Spring Mountain Road #245
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Tickets My Way - Headliner Tickets - Headliner Tickets ripoff fraudulent billing sold me tickets never sent tickets

Headliner Tickets -Tickets My Way
Headliner Tickets - Tickets My Way is a scam rip-off!

Headliner Tickets / Tickets My Way
Does Not Deliver on Sales

Tickets My - Headliner Tickets
Tickets My Headliner Tickets ripoff

Stub Hub
Stubhub overpriced tickets - Tickets for Disney Rock on Ice Or Headliner Tickets website is fake do not buy tickets from them. It is fraud ripoff

Headliner Ticket - Tickets My Way
Ripoff charged card and did not provide tickets

Tickets My Way
Headliner Tickets - ripoff

Tickets My Way-Headliner Ticket
Ripoff, tickets promised, never received, credit card charged!

Consumer Report